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Results through Accelerated Change and Engagement (CARE)

The CARE methodology is based on our experience supporting several implementations of strategic initiatives for our clients. The methodology addresses three important success factors we discovered over the years:


  • Change management must be natively integrated into program management right from the start: We do not recommend a separate change management work-stream managed by a change manager. In CARE, change management is part and parcel of most of the program activities we do and the program manager is directly responsible for stakeholder management and the development of change strategies.

  • Key stakeholders must be actively brought on-board and kept on-board throughout: Stakeholder management is an active part of the CARE methodology. It starts with stakeholder identification concurrent with the project kick-off and includes stakeholder communication through the course of the project.

  • Leadership must have a direct and visible involvement in the outcome of the initiative: The team structure suggested by CARE ensures executive ownership and involvement and change management tactics would often include visible leadership commitment.


The CARE methodology integrates important elements of Program management, Organization change management and Stakeholder management.


















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